Sun Salutations for Beginners

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This video is an introduction to the Sun Salutations. Follow me while I will be guiding you through Surya-namaskara A & B. You will listen to the sanskrit count, the correct breath and gaze. Please modify as you need to and allow time for your body to open.

If you are a complete beginner just do Sun-salutations A and repeat them 5 times. Do only this for one month. Memorize and assimilate the movement. Then you add Sun-salutations B for the next two months. During this two months work on expanding your lung capacity by practicing daily. With time you will notice you are able to link the breath with the movement. Then, focus on your gaze.

In repetition magic occurs. You don't need more postures to feel the benefits of the practice. Keep it simple and experience how your body and mind cultivates strength and flexibility. How the practice, although seems the same every day, will feel different and will reflect your patterns and your inner truth just right back to you.